What Is Bracketing In Photography?

Bracketing is a photography technique that allows you to capture multiple exposures of the same scene, with varying levels of intensity. This technique is often used to ensure that you have at least one correctly exposed photo, even if the lighting conditions changed slightly from one shot to the next.

What Is Braceting in photography

To bracket a photo, start by taking a picture with the desired exposure. Then, take a picture with a slightly underexposed setting, and another with a slightly overexposed setting. By doing this, you will have three photos of the same scene, each with a different level of intensity.

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Different Tricks

There are a few basic steps to bracketing your photos. First, you’ll want to set your camera to manual mode. This will ensure that your shots are all taken in the same settings. Then, you’ll want to decide on your exposure. You can do this by using a light meter, or you can guess and then adjust accordingly.

Once you’ve decided on your exposure, you’ll want to take a series of shots at different exposures. This is where bracketing comes in. You’ll want one shot that’s under-exposed, one that’s over-exposed, and one that’s correctly exposed.

When bracketing, it is important to make sure that your shots are as consistent as possible. This means using the same aperture, shutter speed, and ISO for all three photos. It is also important to keep the camera in the same position for each photo.


Bracketing is useful for two main reasons. Firstly, it can help you to capture more detail in scenes with high contrast. For example, if you are photographing a subject against a bright sky, bracketing will allow you to capture both the bright sky and the darker subject. Secondly, bracketing can help you to avoid blown-out highlights or underexposed shadows.


It’s hard to imagine modern photography without brackets, yet the history of this photographic tool is surprisingly brief. The first bracket was patented in 1887 by William D. Boyce and Clarence H. White. Brackets were created as a way to correct lens distortion, which often caused images to be curved or skewed.

They quickly became popular among photographers for their ability to produce perfectly straight and level photos. Since their invention, brackets have become an essential tool for all kinds of photographers. They continue to be used today to correct distortion, as well as to achieve other creative effects.


Nikon D7500 will be a great device for creating bracketing in photography due to its advanced specifications.

Nikon D7500

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Bracketing is a technique used in photography to increase the chances of getting a good shot. By taking multiple shots of the same scene at different exposure levels, you can increase your chances of getting a good picture. This article provides an introduction to bracketing and explains how to do it. If you want to start getting good shots in all lighting conditions, give bracketing a try.

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