How To Use Reflectors In Photography?

One of the most important tools in a photographer’s toolkit is a reflector. Reflectors come in all shapes and sizes and can be used to achieve a variety of different effects in your photos. In this article, we’ll show you how to use reflectors to improve your photography.

How To Use Reflectors In Photography

Reflectors are a great way to take your photography to the next level. They can help you control harsh shadows and turn plain backgrounds into stunning backdrops for portraits. The good news is that these are actually pretty easy to use.

There is no doubt that reflectors are an important piece of gear for any photographer. Reflectors can help to add light to a scene, eliminate shadows, and more.

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Methods of Using

Reflectors are a great way to improve your photography skills. They can help to brighten up an image, add contrast, and create interesting shadows. There are a few different ways that you can use reflectors in photography:

1. Place the reflector behind the subject to bounce light back onto their face. This will help to brighten up the face of your subject, but also add a catch light to their eyes.

2. Angle the reflector below and to the right or left of your subject. This will create a nice v-shaped shadow on the ground which enhances the depth of an image.

3. Hold a silver reflector above your head and rotate it. This will reduce the shadows caused by an overhead light and create a nice, even lighting effect.

4. Use a large white reflector to soften harsh sunlight. If you are photographing someone in the shade but there is still some really bright sunlight, hold up a large white reflector to block this unwanted light from your subject’s face.

General Advice

A helpful piece of advice is to use white reflectors in portraits where your subject has dark hair or if their skin tone is darker than average, otherwise large silver reflectors are usually used in these scenarios. Sometimes when the sun is just out of your frame it can be useful to hold up a large white reflector to help lighten the shadows and fill in the darkness. This is especially true for outdoor portrait photography.

In general, reflectors are a great way to improve your images and should be used as often as possible. Experiment with different positions and angles to see what works best for each individual photograph. With a little bit of practice, you’ll be able to create some amazing images with reflectors.

Types of Reflectors

Reflectors are useful tools that allow photographers to selectively illuminate specific parts of their pictures. They can be used in various ways, whether it is creating a catch-light in someone’s eye or filling shadows with directional light.

Reflectors work by using either one or two screens (discussed later) to reflect available light onto the subject. Photographers use them during outdoor shoots when the sun becomes too harsh, but they can also be helpful indoors when you need extra illumination for your photos.

There are many types of reflectors that serve different purposes; below is a list of some common ones and what they’re typically used for:

  • White Foam Core Boards: These boards are inexpensive and fold flat so they’re easy to carry around. They’re good for filling in shadows and creating a soft, wraparound light.
  • Silver Reflectors: These reflectors are made of metal and bounce the most light back to the subject. They’re great for adding highlights and contrast to photos.
  • Gold Reflectors: These reflectors have a warmer tone than silver reflectors and are perfect for adding a touch of color to photos.

When using a reflector, it’s important to keep in mind the direction of the light. The most common mistake people make is positioning the reflector so that it’s facing the camera instead of the subject. This will create unflattering shadows and highlights on your picture.


Reflectors are useful tools that allow photographers to selectively illuminate specific parts of their pictures. They can be used in various ways, but the most common mistake people make is positioning the reflector so that it’s facing the camera instead of the subject.

To use a reflector effectively, you need to position it at an angle so that the light hits your subject from the side. If you’re using a reflector indoors, it’s best to place it near a window or other source of natural light.

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