How To Use DSLR Camera Modes? Ultimate Guide

DSLR modes allow photographers to change how their camera functions. They can choose between different settings such as aperture priority, fully automatic, and manual mode. Some people prefer one setting over the other because it best fits their style of photography. 

How To Use DSLR Modes

Photography is an art form that can be extremely personal. Capturing a moment in time and preserving it for future generations is a remarkable feat and one that takes practice and skill. While some people are born photographers, others learn the craft through observation, experimentation, and lots of practice. 

No matter which category you fall into, learning about the different modes on your camera can help you take better photos. Each model offers its own benefits and drawbacks, so it’s important to understand what they all do before you start snapping shots.

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Multiple Modes

There is three default shooting modes on a DSLR: manual, aperture priority, and shutter priority. Each mode gives you more or less control over different aspects of your photo. Here’s a breakdown of what each mode does:

Manual Mode:

In manual mode, you have full control over the exposure of your photo. This means that you decide how much light hits the sensor by setting the aperture and shutter speed yourself. This is a great model to learn photography in, as it teaches you how the different settings affect your photos.

Aperture Priority:

In aperture priority mode, you set the aperture and the camera decides the shutter speed. This is a good mode for portraits, as it allows you to control the depth of field (the amount of the photo that is in focus).

Shutter Priority:

In shutter priority mode, you set the shutter speed and the camera decides the aperture. This is a good mode for sports photography, as it allows you to capture action shots with a fast shutter speed.

Other Modes

There are also several other shooting modes available on DSLRs: landscape, portrait, nightscape, macro, and HDR. Each of these modes gives you different controls over your photo. For example, the landscape mode will usually have a smaller aperture so that more of the photo is in focus, while the portrait mode will have a larger aperture to create a shallow depth of field.

Proper Using of Modes

Now that you know what the different DSLR modes are, let’s talk about how to use them. Each mode has its own unique purpose, and knowing how to use them will help you take better photos.

Here are a few tips for using DSLR modes:

Learn the Purpose of Each Mode

This is especially important when learning how to use DSLR modes because each has its own purpose.

Start With the Automatic Mode

The automatic mode on your camera is a great place to start when you don’t want to think about anything but take but it’s a little more specific. If you want to learn how to use DSLR modes, try using each mode for a month and see how it changes your photos.

Play Around With the Settings

DSLR modes are just one part of photography, another important factor is the settings on your camera. Try playing around with the pictures.

Don’t Be Afraid of Getting Out of your Comfort Zone

Don’t think that you have to use the automatic mode because that’s what everyone else does. Switch things up, and try out different modes to see how they can affect your photos.

Try using each mode for a month at a time

This is similar to the tip about getting out of your comfort zone, but it’s important enough to warrant its own mention. If you want to really learn how to use DSLR modes, try using each mode for a month and see how it changes your photos. This will help you understand the different purposes of each mode and when to use them.

Of course, don’t forget that photography is all about experimentation.


In this article, we’ve reviewed the modes on a DSLR camera and how they can impact your photography. We hope that you have found some useful tips here to help you take better photos with your DSLR camera. Now it’s time for us to get into the nitty-gritty of what these different modes mean for photographers.

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