How To Photograph The Northern Lights For Beginners?

Northern lights are a beautiful part of nature that many people want to see. The only problem is that it is hard to find a good spot and know how to take a picture. Professional photographers have their own set of tricks and techniques, but the following tips will help you get started.

how to photograph the northern lights

One of the most breathtaking natural phenomenons in the world is the Northern Lights. If you are interested in capturing their beauty, then you should know that there are many tips and tricks to help you capture them like a pro.

The Northern Lights are caused by solar winds that collide with the Earth’s magnetic field. The collision happens at an altitude of 100 kilometers above the earth’s surface, which is why it can only be seen in certain areas.

You don’t need to travel far from home to see these beautiful displays of lights in the sky. They can be seen anywhere up north. Remember that your camera settings will need to be adjusted depending on how light is behaving at any given time of day and season.

Also, Read: What Is Shutter Speed In DSLR?

Important Points

  1. Northern Lights, also known as Aurora Borealis, is a natural phenomenon that occurs when the Earth’s magnetic field interacts with the solar wind. It can be seen in the Arctic and Antarctic regions.
  2. The Northern Lights are best seen in areas like Alaska, Norway, and Finland. The lights are visible from September to March. The best time to see them is from 9 pm to 1 am during these months.
  3. There are many ways to photograph the Northern Lights for beginners. You can choose between photographing them on your own or with a group of friends and family members.

Process of Taking Good Photos

It is not hard to find tutorials on how to photograph the Northern Lights for beginners, but they are often too vague. This article will provide you with a step-by-step guide to capturing these magical lights in all their glory.


You will need a DSLR camera with manual settings, an ultra-wide-angle lens (like 16mm), and a tripod. The location does not matter much as long as it is dark enough that there are no light sources nearby. You can also use an app called Aurora PhotoTrip that will tell you when the best time is for photographing the northern lights.

Make sure that your camera is fully charged and that the battery is working properly. You will need to take a lot of photos so it’s important that your camera doesn’t die in the middle of your shoot.

Patience and Time

Photographing the Northern Lights is a difficult task, requiring a lot of patience and luck. The best way to photograph the northern lights is to find out where they are most visible and then go there with your camera.

The best time to photograph the northern lights is during the peak hours, which are usually around 11 pm to 2 am. This will give you enough time to set up your camera and take shots of the aurora borealis.

Cause of Northern Lights

Northern lights are a natural phenomenon that occurs due to the collision of charged particles from the sun with the earth’s magnetic field. These lights can be seen in a variety of colors and shapes. It is possible to see them from other parts of the world too if you know when they happen or have a long enough exposure time on your camera to capture them.

The Northern Lights are a natural phenomenon that can be seen in the northern hemisphere. The lights are caused by charged particles from the sun interacting with atoms in the earth’s atmosphere.


When you’re looking to photograph the northern lights, you want to use the best tools available at your disposal. That’s why we recommend using the best camera you can afford, the best lenses you can afford, and utilizing a tripod to get the best results. With the right information and a little practice. You could be the next nature photographer to capture the perfect photo of the Aurora Borealis.

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