How To Photograph Shiny Objects Without Glare?

There are a few things to keep in mind when photographing shiny objects to avoid glare. First, position the object so that it is not directly in the path of the light source. Second, use a diffuser to soften the light and reduce the contrast. Third, use a matte finish or anti-reflective coating on the object to reduce the amount of light that is reflected.

How To Photograph Shiny Objects Without Glare

Finally, increase the distance between the object and the camera to decrease the amount of light that is reflected into the lens. By following these tips, you can avoid glare and capture beautiful photos of shiny objects.

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Different Techniques

There are many techniques that can be used to minimize or eliminate glare when photographing shiny objects. One of the most common is to use a diffuser. A diffuser is a translucent panel that is placed between the light source and the object being photographed. This scatters the light and reduces the intensity of the glare. Another technique that can be used is to photograph the object from an angle.

This can be done by holding the camera above the object or by taking a picture from the side. This will also reduce the intensity of the glare. Finally, you can use editing software to remove glare from photographs.

This can be done by using the clone stamp tool or the spot Healing Brush tool. These tools will copy pixels from one area of the image to another, thereby covering up the glare.


There are many aspects to consider when photographing shiny objects without glare. The first is to ensure that the object is clean and free of any fingerprints or smudges. The second is to position the object so that it is not in direct sunlight.

The third is to use a diffuser to soften the light and reduce the possibility of glare. And finally, the fourth is to use a reflector to bounce light back onto the object and create a more even exposure.

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