How To Do Shutter Drag Photography?

Shutter drag photography, also known as long exposure or slow shutter photography, is a technique that involves intentionally using a slow shutter speed to capture motion and create unique visual effects. By manipulating the duration of the exposure, you can convey a sense of movement or blur in your photographs, resulting in stunning and dynamic images.

How To Do Shutter Drag Photography

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Process and Actions

Set up your Camera:
Place your camera on the tripod and ensure it is stable. Attach the remote shutter release to minimize camera shake when triggering the shutter.

Switch to Manual Mode:
Set your camera to manual mode (M) to have complete control over the exposure settings.

Adjust ISO and Aperture:
Start by setting a low ISO (e.g., ISO 100) for minimal noise. Then, select a small aperture (e.g., f/8 or smaller) to increase the depth of field and allow for longer exposures.

Determine Shutter Speed:
The shutter speed determines the duration of the exposure. For shutter drag photography, you’ll generally want a slower shutter speed, such as several seconds or even minutes, depending on the effect you desire. Experiment with different shutter speeds to achieve the desired level of motion blur.

Use ND Filters (if necessary):
In bright conditions, you may need to use ND filters to reduce the amount of light entering the lens. This allows for longer exposures without overexposing the image. Attach the appropriate ND filter based on the lighting conditions and desired exposure time.

Frame and Focus:
Compose your shot and focus on the subject. If necessary, switch to manual focus to prevent the camera from refocusing during the exposure.

Lock the Mirror (if available):
Some cameras offer a mirror lock-up feature that helps reduce vibrations caused by the mirror movement. Enable this function to ensure sharper images.

Trigger the Shutter:
Once everything is set, press the shutter button using the remote release to minimize camera shake. Keep the shutter open for the desired duration, allowing the motion to be captured.

Review and Adjust:
After each exposure, review the image on your camera’s LCD screen and make any necessary adjustments to the exposure settings or composition. Experiment with different shutter speeds and techniques to achieve your desired results.

Once you have captured your images, import them to your computer for post-processing. You can use software such as Adobe Lightroom or Photoshop to fine-tune the exposure, contrast, and colors. Additionally, you can experiment with creative editing techniques to enhance the overall impact of the image.


Remember, shutter drag photography is a creative process, and experimentation is key. Play around with different subjects, shutter speeds, and techniques to achieve unique and visually compelling results. With practice and patience, you can create stunning images that convey a sense of movement and artistic expression.

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