How To Do Levitation Photography?

Levitation photography is a fascinating technique that gives the illusion of defying gravity, creating captivating and surreal images. While it may seem like a complex and impossible task, with the right approach and some creativity, anyone can try their hand at levitation photography. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started.

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Steps & Procedure

Plan your concept: Begin by brainstorming ideas for your levitation photograph. Consider the story or theme you want to convey and think about how you can incorporate levitation into it. Whether you want to appear floating in mid-air or create an illusion of objects levitating, having a clear concept in mind will guide your shoot.

Choose the right location: Select a suitable location that complements your concept. An empty field, a busy street, or even your living room can serve as an excellent backdrop. Ensure that the location offers enough space for you or your subject to be suspended without any visible support.

Gather your equipment: You’ll need a camera with manual settings, a tripod to keep your camera steady, and a remote shutter release to avoid camera shaking. A wide-angle lens is preferable to capture more of the surroundings. Additionally, consider using props like chairs or stools to create the illusion of levitation.

Set up your camera and tripod: Place your camera on the tripod and adjust its height and angle according to your desired composition. Ensure that your camera is level and stable to avoid any unwanted movements during the shot.

Set the lighting: Depending on your concept, choose the appropriate lighting setup. Natural light can work well for outdoor shoots, while studio lights or flashguns can be used for indoor setups. Experiment with different lighting angles and intensities to create the desired atmosphere.

Set the camera settings: Switch your camera to manual mode and adjust the settings accordingly. Start with a low ISO to reduce noise, and set a narrow aperture (higher f-number) for a greater depth of field. Use a slow shutter speed to capture any movement or floating elements.

Pose and compose: If you’re the subject, position yourself in the desired levitation pose or use props to create the illusion of levitation. Experiment with different poses and angles to find the most convincing and visually appealing composition. Take test shots and review them on the camera’s display to make any necessary adjustments.

Capture the shot: Once you’re satisfied with the composition and pose, use a remote shutter release or the camera’s timer function to avoid touching the camera during the shot. This will minimize the risk of camera shake and help achieve a sharp image. Experiment with multiple shots to increase your chances of capturing the perfect levitation moment.

Post-processing: Transfer the images to your computer and review them to select the best ones. Use photo editing software to make necessary adjustments, such as color correction, contrast enhancement, and removal of any visible supports or distractions. Be careful not to overdo the editing, as it may compromise the natural look and feel of the image.


Once you’re satisfied with the final result, share your levitation photograph with others. Upload it to social media platforms, photography communities, or your personal website to showcase your creativity and inspire others.

Remember, levitation photography requires patience and experimentation. Don’t be discouraged if your first attempts don’t turn out exactly as planned. With practice and persistence, you’ll gradually improve your skills and develop your unique style in this captivating form of photography. So, let your imagination soar, and enjoy the process of creating stunning levitation images.

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