What Is Still Life Photography?

Still life photography is a genre of photography used to create images of inanimate objects. It is one of the earliest forms of photography, dating back to the 1840s. The first still-life photographs were created by photographing items arranged on a table or other flat surfaces. Today, still-life photography can be used to create beautiful and evocative images of any number of objects. 

what is still life photography

It can be used to capture the essence of a product or to create a work of art that tells a story. This can be used to create both artistic and commercial images. Common objects that are used in still life photography include flowers, food, and everyday objects. One of the advantages of still life photography is that it can be used to create both static and dynamic images.

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Some Steps to Follow

There are a few simple steps that can be followed when photographing still life.

The first step is to choose a suitable background. The background should be simple and uncluttered, and should not compete with the subject of the photograph.

The second step is to choose the right props. The props should be carefully chosen to reflect the mood and theme of the photograph. They should also be arranged in an interesting way.

The third step is to choose the right lighting. Soft, natural light is usually best for still life photography. If necessary, artificial light can be used.

Another Tricks For Still Photography

  • Use contrasting colors and shapes to create a more dynamic composition
  • Shoot from different angles to capture different aspects of the scene
  • Use props to add interest and context
  • Experiment with lighting to create different moods and effects
  • Get creative with your compositions and try out new ideas

The tripod is an essential piece of equipment for still life photography. It allows you to stabilize the camera and keep it in the same position for each shot. This is important when photographing small objects, as even the slightest movement can cause blurriness in the final image.

Many photographers also choose to purchase a reflector, which can be used to help direct light onto the subject.

Equipment For Still Photography

When starting out in still life photography, you don’t need to invest in a lot of expensive equipment. In fact, you can get started with just a few basic items. Here are some of the essentials

  1. A DSLR or mirrorless camera is best for still life photography, as they offer more manual controls than a point-and-shoot camera.
  2. Lens: A 50mm lens is a great option for starting out. It offers a wide-angle of view and a good depth of field
  3. Tripod: A tripod is essential for keeping your camera

Camera Settings

When photographing still life, it is important to have a consistent and controlled environment. This can be done by setting up your camera and tripod in a specific spot and using the same lighting each time. By doing this, you will be able to produce images that are more consistent in terms of color and exposure. In terms of camera settings, it is best to use manual mode so that you can have more control over the final image. You will also want to use a small aperture (f/8-f/16) to ensure that the entire image is in focus.

Photo Editing For Still Life Photography

While some may think that photo editing is cheating, I believe that it is an essential part of the photography process, especially when shooting still life. There are a few basic steps that photographers take in their photo editing workflow to make their photos look their best.

First, they use a basic photo editing program to adjust the exposure, contrast, and saturation of my photos. This helps to bring out the colors and correct any lighting issues. Next, they often use a tool like Photoshop or Affinity Photo to crop and straighten my photos.


In still life photography, the main focus is on the subject matter in the photograph, rather than the surroundings or the photographer themselves. In other words, the focus is on creating a beautiful or interesting picture using inanimate objects. This type of photography can be a great way to practice your composition skills, and it can be a lot of fun to experiment with different objects and backgrounds.

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